Any trading decision is usually based on the analysis of various factors. We will consider two major types of market analysis: technical and fundamental.
Technical analysis implies using indicators and instruments built in the trading platform.
Fundamental analysis based on latest news online is available for InstaForex clients with the help of analytical newsfeed from international information agency Prime-Tass.
InstaForex Company provides each client with an access to online analysis, including currency rates of international banks, currency market news from all over the world, reviews from analysts and strategists of major managing companies, commentaries of market participants and reports of statistical agencies. This is a brief list of the available information, which allows our traders to keep track of everything that happens on the market.
For your convenience the newsfeed is available right in the trading terminal InstaTrader. Comprehensive provision of information for our clients is one of the major priorities of InstaForex Company. Our traders can take advantage of reliable instruments for technical and fundamental analysis, available right in InstaTrader trading platform.

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